BPC 157 (BPC-157 Pentadecapeptide)


  • Product Name: BPC 157
  • Active Ingredient: BPC-157 Pentadecapeptide
  • Manufacturer: Deus Medical
  • Strength: 5 mg/vial
  • Packaging: Vial with powder (without bacteriostatic water - Please purchase separately)
  • Each Package Contains: 5mg/vial, FOR LABORATORY RESEARCH ONLY
  • Ships From: Europe (EU Domestic & Worldwide)

This Product Ships Worldwide Discreetly!

  • Shipping Time To Europe: 1-3 Weeks.  (+ Reshipping Guarantee)
  • Shipping Time to the US: 2-3 Weeks. (+ Reshipping Guarantee)
  • Rest of the world: See here. (For reshipping info, check the page)

Looking to buy BPC-157 online? BPC-157 is a peptide, which is a 15-amino-acid short-chain. This particular peptide sequence is derived from a protein found naturally in the body’s gastric juices, and it is thought to aid in the natural repair of the stomach and intestine lining. Synthesized for supplementation, it has been shown in many animal studies over the years to have several beneficial effects beyond stomach repair. Animal experiments have validated some of the mechanisms and forms in which BPC-157 operates, including:

  • Aids and speeds up the body’s soft tissue repair.
  • Protects and restores damage caused by NSAIDs and other drugs to the gut, liver, and other organs.
  • Improves serotonin transport and synthesis, which has been linked to a variety of mental illnesses including depression, anxiety, and others
  • Reduces blood pressure and protects the heart from a variety of issues.
    Can help mitigate allergic reactions to natural causes and has antiviral effects on certain viruses that have been researched.
  • IBS and other bowel conditions have been shown to improve, most likely due to the same gut repair process.

BPC-157 Dosage

In general, animal studies show that the normal dose range for most people is between 1 and 10 micrograms per kilogram of body weight, with clinical use of injection-based BPC-157 falling toward the lower end of that range. Since less of the active drug makes it into the bloodstream to circulate when consumed in this way, oral pills or tablets usually require higher dosages. In such situations, the BPC-157 dose or pill intensity appears to be on the higher end of the spectrum.

Taken i.m (intramuscularly) or s.c (subcutaneously)  the typical dosage for BPC-157 is 200-300 micrograms per day. Taken in a single injection.

Where Can you Buy BPC-157 Online?

You can buy BPC-157 in many online clinics and research labs. If you have the budget and live in the United States you might find some doctors who are willing to prescribe it to their patients. Nevertheless, with an average cost of over $3,000 per year, buying BPC-157 from an online clinic or an anti-aging clinic isn’t affordable at all.

Another option is to buy BPC-157 from a “research lab”, those sites usually sell peptides and other compounds for “research purposes”. Often, those products are fake, underdose, and may even contain toxic compounds though the peptide having a low purity.

At BuyDeus, we carry high-quality peptides that are manufactured in Europe. Our products are regularly tested and made by highly skilled medical professionals.